Welcome to the Key Colony Beach Fishing and Boating Club Website

Established in 1994, the Club is one of the largest Fishing and Boating Clubs in the Florida Keys. With over two-hundred members, we are dedicated to fishing, boating and good fellowship among our members. We have many tournaments throughout the season sponsored by local merchants as well as cruises, dinners, parties and meetings.

We invite you to explore our website and learn more about our wonderful club. Key Colony Beach, the Gem of the Florida Keys, is located in the Middle Keys near Marathon, Florida. With direct access to the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico, we enjoy some of the very best fishing and boating that the Florida Keys have to offer…Read more about the club’s history

Our members continue to support our Club and volunteer for many chores and duties which enhance their experience and benefit our Club. Because of these efforts by our members, we are able to help support many organizations in our community.

The club meets six times a year from November through April, on the 1st Friday of the month. Meetings are open to members and guests of members only.

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KCB Aerial

There is certainly something in angling that tends to produce a serenity of the mind. — Washington Irving